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“It was an absolute pleasure being involved backstage, getting everyone ready and the excitement bubbling away before and after they went on stage.” - Parent
Role of a Chaperone
Chaperones act in place of a parent and should exercise the care that would be expected of a good parent. A child taking part in a performance, which can include TV filming, theatre, sporting activities or modeling, will require chaperoning.
Whilst GreenRoomCollective (GRC) and our head chaperone take responsibility for ensuring performance conditions for all our students are strictly adhered to (including length of time any one child can perform for in one day, adequate breaks, acquiring all necessary contact and health and wellbeing information) the role of a chaperone for GRC includes:
Always making the child your first priority.
Being the key person to whom the child looks to for guidance, protection, clarification and support.
Getting to know your group well, so that you could easily identify them.
Keep safe and accessible important contacts and health and wellbeing information for your group, provided to you by GRC.
Monitoring the child's health and wellbeing throughout the time they are with you.
Knowing who to contact in the case of an emergency, or suspected case of abuse (information provided to you by GRC).
Supporting the students, particularly the younger students, with costume changes, hair and make-up application.
Attending safeguarding training with GRC, and possibly an additional 'operational' meeting in advance of the production.
The Perks
Working 'behind the scenes' with GRC is rewarding. Parents enjoy the opportunity to spend time with their children during such an exciting experience, and we always ensure that you are well looked after too - without you there is no production! Refreshments are always available, as well as support in your role in the lead up and during the 'run'. Your time and efforts will always be met with joy and gratitude!
Application for your chaperone licence is through your local authority. If you are applying to volunteer as a chaperone (that is to chaperone unpaid) then your licence is FREE. Simply state that you are applying to volunteer at your child's local performing arts school, GreenRoomCollective. Links to SODC and West Berks Chaperone pages are below, for your information.
Your application will include a DBS check (which GRC will support you in applying for if you don't already have one), and some form of safeguarding training. Upon completion you will be given a Chaperone Licence Card (to be worn at all times when chaperoning) and supporting materials, and will be added to the list of registered chaperones. We will also provide you with group training specific to our performances. Then the world is your chaperoning oyster!
GreenRoomCollective is a collaborative company of authentic street dance and youth theatre classes and specialist workshops. We pride ourselves on investing hugely in our students and everyone who is a part of the GRC family. Our aim is to inspire young people with confidence and creativity through interactive, high-quality training; their experience of performing should be one of positivity, exploration, limitless imagination and freedom of creative expression.
We welcome teachers that are passionate and dedicated; we love exploring new ideas as we build skills and look forward to supporting exciting vision and personal development in our teachers too. Check out our values & ethos >
If you are a teacher of Authentic Street Dance, Acting, Creative Theatre or another specialist performing arts discipline and you are interested in working for us please send your CV to laura@greenroomcollective.com or get in touch via the contact form below.